Baby Name Rankings of Stacie

Stacie: Statistics About The Baby Name Stacie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1996*** 8872230.0116%
1995*** 8062470.0129%
1994*** 6723170.0163%
1993*** 5764110.0209%
1992*** 5264510.0225%
1991*** 5364350.0214%
1990*** 4206040.0294%
1989*** 3996200.0311%
1988*** 3417180.0374%
1987*** 3307420.0396%
1986*** 3018110.0440%
1985*** 2828830.0479%
1984*** 2539860.0548%
1983*** 2609130.0511%
1982*** 2808670.0479%
1981*** 2351,0630.0595%
1980*** 2221,1540.0649%
1979*** 2011,3260.0770%
1978*** 1771,4640.0892%
1977*** 1851,4890.0906%
1976*** 1511,7250.1098%
1975*** 1461,8360.1177%
1974*** 1561,7560.1122%
1973*** 1501,8390.1184%
1972*** 1591,8210.1130%
1971*** 1312,5500.1457%
1970*** 1652,0230.1105%
1969*** 2091,5030.0853%
1968*** 2521,0780.0631%
1967*** 3018350.0487%
1966*** 3596420.0366%
1965*** 3646220.0340%
1964*** 4015870.0300%
1963*** 3896110.0307%
1962*** 4724190.0207%
1961*** 5123650.0176%
1960*** 5563100.0149%
1959*** 6242560.0123%
1958*** 7111940.0094%
1957*** 7611720.0082%
1956*** 9771080.0052%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.