Baby Name Rankings of Sondra

Sondra: Statistics About The Baby Name Sondra

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1988*** 9261830.0095%
1986*** 8491950.0106%
1985*** 9001770.0096%
1984*** 8141950.0108%
1983*** 8571780.0100%
1982*** 7132430.0134%
1981*** 6942460.0138%
1980*** 7442230.0125%
1979*** 7032410.0140%
1978*** 6392560.0156%
1977*** 7192150.0131%
1976*** 6722270.0145%
1975*** 5862810.0180%
1974*** 5403130.0200%
1973*** 5243220.0207%
1972*** 5083400.0211%
1971*** 5053750.0214%
1970*** 4405000.0273%
1969*** 4095390.0306%
1968*** 4125130.0300%
1967*** 4025190.0302%
1966*** 3895480.0312%
1965*** 3825770.0316%
1964*** 3896160.0315%
1963*** 3945960.0300%
1962*** 3736310.0311%
1961*** 4315170.0249%
1960*** 4384980.0239%
1959*** 4494600.0221%
1958*** 4833900.0189%
1957*** 4953660.0175%
1956*** 4783820.0186%
1955*** 4583880.0194%
1954*** 4094440.0223%
1953*** 4014480.0232%
1952*** 3705020.0264%
1951*** 4104100.0222%
1950*** 3684740.0270%
1949*** 3445040.0287%
1948*** 3325510.0316%
1947*** 3096320.0348%
1946*** 2936130.0381%
1945*** 3005290.0393%
1944*** 2845890.0431%
1943*** 2547620.0532%
1942*** 2198950.0643%
1941*** 2267710.0619%
1940*** 1998780.0743%
1939*** 2018770.0773%
1938*** 2227570.0663%
1937*** 2665520.0501%
1936*** 2944380.0407%
1935*** 3024080.0376%
1934*** 2874500.0416%
1933*** 3393360.0321%
1932*** 3742970.0269%
1931*** 5481450.0132%
1929*** 910620.0054%
1928*** 972590.0049%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.