Baby Name Rankings of Son

Son: Statistics About The Baby Name Son

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1911916140.0058% ***
1910817150.0072% ***
1909748150.0085% ***
190699280.0056% ***
190591190.0063% ***
1904719120.0087% ***
1903653130.0100% ***
1902646130.0098% ***
1901504160.0138% ***
1900517220.0135% ***
189977690.0078% ***
189879590.0068% ***
1897548150.0123% ***
189688880.0062% ***
1895674110.0087% ***
1894518160.0128% ***
1893700100.0083% ***
189169490.0082% ***
188978180.0067% ***
1888694100.0077% ***
188474880.0065% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.