Baby Name Rankings of Sol

Sol: Statistics About The Baby Name Sol

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 8923010.0172%
2022*** 8373340.0187%
1938994420.0037% ***
1936938440.0041% ***
1935985420.0039% ***
1934939460.0043% ***
1933920470.0046% ***
1932794650.0061% ***
1931706740.0069% ***
1930627970.0086% ***
19295681100.0099% ***
19285101410.0124% ***
19274701660.0143% ***
19264691650.0144% ***
19254451830.0159% ***
19244351990.0170% ***
19233732570.0227% ***
19223992290.0203% ***
19213872450.0215% ***
19203782490.0226% ***
19193882290.0225% ***
19183183180.0303% ***
19173063000.0313% ***
19163362530.0274% ***
19153162710.0307% ***
19142772520.0369% ***
19132572190.0409% ***
19122741680.0373% ***
1911306770.0320% ***
1910287730.0351% ***
1909317530.0300% ***
1908343440.0265% ***
1907373370.0233% ***
1906419280.0194% ***
1905403290.0202% ***
1904416260.0188% ***
1903345320.0247% ***
1902336340.0256% ***
1901358270.0233% ***
1900429280.0172% ***
1899452180.0156% ***
1898520170.0129% ***
1897374260.0213% ***
1896396250.0194% ***
1895396240.0189% ***
1894409220.0176% ***
1893477160.0132% ***
1892443200.0152% ***
1891493140.0128% ***
1890531140.0117% ***
1889403210.0176% ***
1888553140.0108% ***
1887483140.0128% ***
1886507140.0118% ***
1885342260.0224% ***
1884430190.0155% ***
1883456160.0142% ***
1882413200.0164% ***
1881455150.0138% ***
1880560120.0101% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.