Baby Name Rankings of Sky

Sky: Statistics About The Baby Name Sky

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 7833580.0205%
2022*** 7383920.0220%
2021*** 7173980.0224%
2020*** 8063350.0190%
2019*** 8163320.0182%
2018*** 8633120.0169%
2017*** 8173320.0177%
2016*** 7763640.0189%
2015*** 7733650.0189%
2014*** 7403760.0194%
2013*** 8872870.0150%
2012*** 8563090.0161%
2011*** 9802590.0135%
2007*** 9952640.0127%
2005*** 9562530.0127%
2003*** 8852710.0136%
2002*** 8922510.0128%
2001*** 9802200.0111%
1999*** 9642150.0111%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.