Baby Name Rankings of Silvia

Silvia: Statistics About The Baby Name Silvia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2005*** 9962420.0121%
2003*** 9702390.0120%
2001*** 8802610.0132%
2000*** 8562570.0129%
1999*** 8842410.0124%
1998*** 7992660.0137%
1997*** 8002600.0136%
1996*** 7192930.0153%
1995*** 6953040.0158%
1994*** 6623240.0166%
1993*** 6743240.0165%
1992*** 6143700.0185%
1991*** 6123680.0181%
1990*** 6123680.0179%
1989*** 6043550.0178%
1988*** 5673630.0189%
1987*** 6952630.0141%
1986*** 6043190.0173%
1985*** 5943260.0177%
1984*** 6122910.0162%
1983*** 5733130.0175%
1982*** 5473460.0191%
1981*** 5493390.0190%
1980*** 5843160.0178%
1979*** 5343510.0204%
1978*** 5523160.0192%
1977*** 5513200.0195%
1976*** 5303310.0211%
1975*** 5183420.0219%
1974*** 4963550.0227%
1973*** 5712860.0184%
1972*** 5353120.0194%
1971*** 5892950.0169%
1970*** 5952950.0161%
1969*** 5493250.0184%
1968*** 5652850.0167%
1967*** 5622820.0164%
1966*** 5712740.0156%
1965*** 5532950.0161%
1964*** 6302610.0133%
1963*** 6342520.0127%
1962*** 6202630.0130%
1961*** 6282650.0128%
1960*** 6752270.0109%
1959*** 6412430.0117%
1958*** 6222510.0122%
1957*** 6152540.0121%
1956*** 6272340.0114%
1955*** 6112300.0115%
1954*** 8081360.0068%
1953*** 8051310.0068%
1952*** 8081270.0067%
1951*** 7891270.0069%
1950*** 895990.0056%
1949*** 918940.0054%
1948*** 975800.0046%
1946*** 924820.0051%
1919*** 997530.0045%
1912*** 933300.0051%
1899*** 975120.0048%
1897*** 974120.0048%
1886*** 98570.0046%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.