Baby Name Rankings of Sid

Sid: Statistics About The Baby Name Sid

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1961962640.0030% ***
1960940650.0030% ***
1959949660.0030% ***
1937997410.0038% ***
1912965230.0051% ***
1910816150.0072% ***
1908937100.0060% ***
1905735120.0084% ***
190486890.0065% ***
190390280.0062% ***
190285490.0068% ***
190193470.0061% ***
189977490.0078% ***
1898658120.0091% ***
189793170.0057% ***
189688780.0062% ***
189586480.0063% ***
1894562140.0112% ***
1893532140.0116% ***
1892592130.0099% ***
1891630100.0092% ***
1890597120.0100% ***
188978080.0067% ***
188874890.0069% ***
1887625100.0091% ***
1886505140.0118% ***
1884428190.0155% ***
1883637100.0089% ***
1882606110.0090% ***
1881587100.0092% ***
188079970.0059% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.