Baby Name Rankings of Shiela

Shiela: Statistics About The Baby Name Shiela

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1971*** 9351380.0079%
1970*** 7132160.0118%
1969*** 9321310.0074%
1968*** 9071300.0076%
1967*** 9691120.0065%
1966*** 8671340.0076%
1965*** 8291450.0079%
1964*** 8361580.0081%
1963*** 8351570.0079%
1962*** 9491260.0062%
1961*** 9211360.0066%
1960*** 9531260.0061%
1959*** 9161310.0063%
1957*** 9631160.0055%
1951*** 977920.0050%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.