Baby Name Rankings of Sheryl

Sheryl: Statistics About The Baby Name Sheryl

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1987*** 9391750.0094%
1986*** 8421980.0107%
1985*** 8231980.0107%
1984*** 7432200.0122%
1983*** 7532160.0121%
1982*** 5993000.0166%
1981*** 5823170.0178%
1980*** 5303570.0201%
1979*** 4914130.0240%
1978*** 4464440.0270%
1977*** 4963840.0234%
1976*** 4384520.0288%
1975*** 3625740.0368%
1974*** 3286760.0432%
1973*** 2957950.0512%
1972*** 2739540.0592%
1971*** 2461,1920.0681%
1970*** 2141,4700.0803%
1969*** 1861,7040.0967%
1968*** 1711,8860.1104%
1967*** 1532,2420.1306%
1966*** 1582,2110.1260%
1965*** 1472,5360.1388%
1964*** 1352,9540.1510%
1963*** 1353,1030.1561%
1962*** 1343,2420.1600%
1961*** 1403,1200.1504%
1960*** 1423,0580.1471%
1959*** 1283,5430.1705%
1958*** 1213,7890.1836%
1957*** 1124,1260.1968%
1956*** 1143,8880.1889%
1955*** 1253,4110.1702%
1954*** 1342,9340.1474%
1953*** 1482,3990.1245%
1952*** 1512,2420.1179%
1951*** 1611,9250.1044%
1950*** 1452,1150.1203%
1949*** 1501,9650.1120%
1948*** 1442,0080.1153%
1947*** 1631,8310.1008%
1946*** 1651,6280.1011%
1945*** 1941,0570.0785%
1944*** 2079490.0695%
1943*** 2875860.0409%
1942*** 4003230.0232%
1941*** 5001950.0157%
1940*** 5541560.0132%
1939*** 5781360.0120%
1938*** 5511540.0135%
1937*** 785770.0070%
1936*** 909570.0053%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.