Baby Name Rankings of Sherry

Sherry: Statistics About The Baby Name Sherry

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1995*** 9242050.0107%
1994*** 8242450.0126%
1993*** 6963110.0158%
1992*** 7103040.0152%
1991*** 6343520.0173%
1990*** 5813980.0194%
1989*** 5204490.0226%
1988*** 4265450.0284%
1987*** 4005680.0303%
1986*** 3556690.0363%
1985*** 2988240.0447%
1984*** 2748740.0485%
1983*** 2569280.0519%
1982*** 2411,0450.0577%
1981*** 2071,2670.0710%
1980*** 1901,4050.0790%
1979*** 1751,5910.0924%
1978*** 1501,8270.1113%
1977*** 1402,0720.1261%
1976*** 1112,3560.1500%
1975*** 953,0430.1951%
1974*** 893,4380.2197%
1973*** 763,9520.2545%
1972*** 704,4490.2760%
1971*** 605,5600.3176%
1970*** 605,9170.3232%
1969*** 566,1400.3485%
1968*** 526,4260.3760%
1967*** 517,1360.4158%
1966*** 536,9810.3978%
1965*** 567,3810.4040%
1964*** 508,4860.4338%
1963*** 499,0620.4560%
1962*** 489,2300.4555%
1961*** 538,3480.4024%
1960*** 548,3180.4000%
1959*** 587,3440.3534%
1958*** 676,7990.3294%
1957*** 557,8140.3727%
1956*** 547,8870.3831%
1955*** 567,7650.3876%
1954*** 627,1240.3579%
1953*** 705,9310.3077%
1952*** 685,9530.3130%
1951*** 695,8920.3196%
1950*** 625,7900.3293%
1949*** 685,2890.3015%
1948*** 615,7100.3279%
1947*** 675,5730.3069%
1946*** 734,5090.2801%
1945*** 1042,6860.1996%
1944*** 1002,7290.1999%
1943*** 1232,3100.1613%
1942*** 1451,8190.1307%
1941*** 1721,2510.1005%
1940*** 2078620.0730%
1939*** 2277390.0652%
1938*** 2456750.0592%
1937*** 2456470.0587%
1936*** 2585680.0527%
1935*** 2884360.0401%
1934*** 4661920.0177%
1933*** 5721260.0121%
1932*** 5861260.0114%
1931*** 672990.0090%
1930*** 742900.0077%
1929*** 831730.0063%
1928*** 826760.0064%
1927*** 815800.0065%
1926*** 930650.0053%
1925*** 922660.0052%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.