Baby Name Rankings of Sherri

Sherri: Statistics About The Baby Name Sherri

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1990*** 9172080.0101%
1989*** 8312280.0115%
1988*** 7252580.0134%
1987*** 5413710.0198%
1986*** 5004250.0231%
1985*** 4424940.0268%
1984*** 3885660.0314%
1983*** 3965530.0309%
1982*** 3726220.0343%
1981*** 3626470.0362%
1980*** 2908540.0480%
1979*** 2868500.0494%
1978*** 2638900.0542%
1977*** 2311,0790.0657%
1976*** 2161,1460.0730%
1975*** 1961,2700.0814%
1974*** 1651,6190.1034%
1973*** 1491,8550.1194%
1972*** 1292,3480.1457%
1971*** 1232,8580.1632%
1970*** 1223,1660.1730%
1969*** 1063,5330.2005%
1968*** 943,6420.2131%
1967*** 893,8400.2237%
1966*** 933,7440.2133%
1965*** 914,0650.2225%
1964*** 864,8700.2489%
1963*** 785,4590.2747%
1962*** 825,3530.2642%
1961*** 1213,8050.1834%
1960*** 1363,3100.1592%
1959*** 1472,8730.1383%
1958*** 1592,4710.1197%
1957*** 1712,2420.1069%
1956*** 1772,0380.0990%
1955*** 1981,5940.0796%
1954*** 2091,4690.0738%
1953*** 1971,5810.0820%
1952*** 3066920.0364%
1951*** 3006710.0364%
1950*** 3704710.0268%
1949*** 4043920.0223%
1948*** 3944060.0233%
1947*** 4004080.0225%
1946*** 4293250.0202%
1945*** 5062110.0157%
1944*** 5012090.0153%
1943*** 6371420.0099%
1942*** 6921170.0084%
1941*** 844750.0060%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.