Baby Name Rankings of Shelli

Shelli: Statistics About The Baby Name Shelli

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1977*** 9231520.0093%
1976*** 9551340.0085%
1975*** 7641860.0119%
1974*** 6922120.0135%
1973*** 6532300.0148%
1972*** 5572970.0184%
1971*** 5133620.0207%
1970*** 5683200.0175%
1969*** 5153610.0205%
1968*** 4843960.0232%
1967*** 4983680.0214%
1966*** 5173330.0190%
1965*** 5393110.0170%
1964*** 4993850.0197%
1963*** 5133600.0181%
1962*** 5952810.0139%
1961*** 6862300.0111%
1960*** 7381900.0091%
1959*** 9461230.0059%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.