Baby Name Rankings of Shelia

Shelia: Statistics About The Baby Name Shelia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1982*** 9041680.0093%
1981*** 8811730.0097%
1980*** 7622180.0123%
1979*** 7282280.0132%
1978*** 6442520.0154%
1977*** 6012840.0173%
1976*** 5253380.0215%
1975*** 4414500.0289%
1974*** 3745700.0364%
1973*** 3256860.0442%
1972*** 3018050.0499%
1971*** 2751,0380.0593%
1970*** 2591,1890.0650%
1969*** 2321,3020.0739%
1968*** 2201,3600.0796%
1967*** 2081,4760.0860%
1966*** 1811,8050.1029%
1965*** 1821,8890.1034%
1964*** 1862,0100.1027%
1963*** 1852,0630.1038%
1962*** 1732,2720.1121%
1961*** 1892,0030.0966%
1960*** 1762,2610.1087%
1959*** 1692,2770.1096%
1958*** 1792,0930.1014%
1957*** 1802,0860.0995%
1956*** 1821,9550.0950%
1955*** 1811,8380.0917%
1954*** 1901,6640.0836%
1953*** 2041,4810.0768%
1952*** 2231,2380.0651%
1951*** 2231,1590.0629%
1950*** 2429580.0545%
1949*** 2698190.0467%
1948*** 2747930.0455%
1947*** 2827480.0412%
1946*** 3155490.0341%
1945*** 4063070.0228%
1944*** 4842200.0161%
1943*** 5112120.0148%
1942*** 6041530.0110%
1941*** 6251290.0104%
1940*** 781820.0069%
1939*** 809730.0064%
1938*** 898630.0055%
1937*** 907580.0053%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.