Baby Name Rankings of Sheila

Sheila: Statistics About The Baby Name Sheila

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2007*** 9922650.0127%
2006*** 9462710.0132%
2004*** 8073080.0155%
2003*** 8193010.0151%
2002*** 7273350.0170%
2001*** 6593810.0193%
2000*** 6903420.0172%
1999*** 6543520.0181%
1998*** 6613490.0180%
1997*** 6993090.0162%
1996*** 6063790.0198%
1995*** 5813950.0206%
1994*** 5634170.0214%
1993*** 4635420.0275%
1992*** 4016420.0321%
1991*** 4066320.0311%
1990*** 4136260.0305%
1989*** 3836580.0331%
1988*** 3497100.0370%
1987*** 3067980.0426%
1986*** 2619780.0531%
1985*** 2521,0120.0549%
1984*** 2689060.0503%
1983*** 2509430.0528%
1982*** 2321,0980.0606%
1981*** 2181,2120.0679%
1980*** 2141,2150.0683%
1979*** 1961,3650.0793%
1978*** 1831,4160.0863%
1977*** 1631,6530.1006%
1976*** 1431,8700.1191%
1975*** 1332,1020.1348%
1974*** 1212,4370.1557%
1973*** 1012,9980.1930%
1972*** 883,4030.2111%
1971*** 814,3320.2474%
1970*** 744,9360.2696%
1969*** 685,2500.2980%
1968*** 595,7280.3352%
1967*** 566,3290.3688%
1966*** 517,1970.4101%
1965*** 507,9030.4326%
1964*** 518,4640.4326%
1963*** 508,7070.4381%
1962*** 528,7840.4335%
1961*** 597,7800.3751%
1960*** 567,9100.3804%
1959*** 527,9850.3843%
1958*** 597,2820.3528%
1957*** 587,7530.3698%
1956*** 557,8660.3821%
1955*** 587,6600.3823%
1954*** 607,1870.3611%
1953*** 606,9500.3606%
1952*** 646,2190.3270%
1951*** 705,8890.3195%
1950*** 705,3210.3027%
1949*** 764,7690.2719%
1948*** 715,0220.2884%
1947*** 735,0880.2802%
1946*** 704,6910.2914%
1945*** 893,1780.2361%
1944*** 1032,6630.1951%
1943*** 923,0610.2138%
1942*** 942,9750.2138%
1941*** 1102,3390.1879%
1940*** 1301,9200.1626%
1939*** 1251,9580.1727%
1938*** 1361,7850.1564%
1937*** 1421,5730.1428%
1936*** 1571,3120.1218%
1935*** 1511,3260.1221%
1934*** 2227810.0722%
1933*** 2267370.0705%
1932*** 2506100.0552%
1931*** 2675360.0486%
1930*** 3633410.0293%
1929*** 3663340.0289%
1928*** 4342420.0203%
1927*** 4572320.0188%
1926*** 4792080.0169%
1925*** 4752150.0170%
1924*** 5731630.0126%
1923*** 6251400.0112%
1922*** 6621210.0097%
1921*** 7051110.0087%
1920*** 770900.0072%
1919*** 841690.0059%
1918*** 824760.0063%
1917*** 896600.0053%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.