Baby Name Rankings of Sheena

Sheena: Statistics About The Baby Name Sheena

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1993*** 8102470.0125%
1992*** 6183660.0183%
1991*** 5614170.0205%
1990*** 4705220.0254%
1989*** 3297680.0386%
1988*** 2888580.0447%
1987*** 2311,1530.0616%
1986*** 1731,5710.0853%
1985*** 913,0610.1660%
1984*** 803,5970.1998%
1983*** 1072,6290.1471%
1982*** 1491,9550.1079%
1981*** 3566560.0367%
1978*** 9501480.0090%
1977*** 9441470.0089%
1974*** 9671280.0082%
1973*** 9301320.0085%
1972*** 9171360.0084%
1960*** 9791200.0058%
1959*** 9551220.0059%
1958*** 9421210.0059%
1957*** 7971620.0077%
1956*** 8571360.0066%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.