Baby Name Rankings of Shayne

Shayne: Statistics About The Baby Name Shayne

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20059661770.0085% ***
20049481750.0084% ***
20038981860.0089% ***
20028611920.0093% ***
20018092060.0100% ***
20007242390.0115% ***
19997452160.0106% ***
19987142330.0115% ***
19976542510.0126% ***
19966072940.0147% ***
19956372660.0132% ***
19945703260.0160% ***
19936082920.0142% ***
19925543410.0163% ***
19915413500.0165% ***
19904843990.0186% ***
19896272520.0120% ***
19885482830.0142% ***
19875932330.0120% ***
19866401960.0102% ***
19857011580.0082% ***
19848241130.0060% ***
19838511060.0057% ***
19827721300.0069% ***
19817871230.0066% ***
19807061510.0082% ***
19797201450.0081% ***
19786271770.0104% ***
19776191830.0107% ***
19766251740.0107% ***
19756001830.0113% ***
19745342250.0138% ***
19735072350.0146% ***
19725711980.0118% ***
19715642070.0114% ***
19705412250.0118% ***
19696101650.0090% ***
19686011600.0090% ***
19677041110.0062% ***
19667041110.0061% ***
19657121100.0058% ***
19647671000.0049% ***
1963824850.0041% ***
1962859780.0037% ***
19617281120.0052% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.