Baby Name Rankings of Shayna

Shayna: Statistics About The Baby Name Shayna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2008*** 9782700.0131%
2007*** 8543270.0157%
2006*** 8103330.0162%
2005*** 8462930.0147%
2004*** 8123070.0155%
2003*** 7963100.0155%
2002*** 7083520.0179%
2001*** 6853630.0184%
2000*** 5824460.0224%
1999*** 5594510.0232%
1998*** 4885180.0268%
1997*** 4565510.0289%
1996*** 4325880.0307%
1995*** 4545590.0291%
1994*** 4215960.0306%
1993*** 4146030.0306%
1992*** 3916610.0330%
1991*** 3796780.0334%
1990*** 4126280.0306%
1989*** 4265840.0293%
1988*** 3856210.0324%
1987*** 4075580.0298%
1986*** 4574710.0256%
1985*** 4365040.0273%
1984*** 4614520.0251%
1983*** 6692570.0144%
1982*** 7652150.0119%
1981*** 7602170.0122%
1980*** 8161960.0110%
1979*** 7961990.0116%
1978*** 8311790.0109%
1977*** 8471750.0107%
1976*** 8581590.0101%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.