Baby Name Rankings of Shayla

Shayla: Statistics About The Baby Name Shayla

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2016*** 9872690.0139%
2015*** 8003490.0180%
2014*** 7463730.0192%
2013*** 6724210.0221%
2012*** 6124650.0242%
2011*** 5095710.0297%
2010*** 4466840.0352%
2009*** 3947920.0396%
2008*** 3469520.0463%
2007*** 3291,0030.0481%
2006*** 3309880.0480%
2005*** 3907960.0400%
2004*** 3499060.0456%
2003*** 3119920.0497%
2002*** 3149680.0492%
2001*** 3031,0410.0527%
2000*** 3141,0060.0506%
1999*** 2671,1860.0611%
1998*** 3069890.0511%
1997*** 2791,0390.0545%
1996*** 2761,0520.0549%
1995*** 3228440.0440%
1994*** 3308110.0417%
1993*** 3188290.0421%
1992*** 3178650.0432%
1991*** 3168520.0419%
1990*** 3377980.0389%
1989*** 3617100.0357%
1988*** 3596770.0353%
1987*** 3945820.0311%
1986*** 4065470.0297%
1985*** 4075560.0302%
1984*** 4075210.0289%
1983*** 4055320.0298%
1982*** 4345050.0279%
1981*** 4314930.0276%
1980*** 4794390.0247%
1979*** 6003000.0174%
1978*** 5533150.0192%
1977*** 5453260.0198%
1976*** 7911790.0114%
1971*** 8381640.0094%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.