Baby Name Rankings of Shawna

Shawna: Statistics About The Baby Name Shawna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2003*** 9562440.0122%
2002*** 8962500.0127%
2001*** 7683090.0157%
2000*** 6943380.0170%
1999*** 6213830.0197%
1998*** 5564430.0229%
1997*** 5154630.0243%
1996*** 4685360.0280%
1995*** 4256110.0318%
1994*** 3377940.0408%
1993*** 3138490.0431%
1992*** 3069110.0455%
1991*** 2839860.0485%
1990*** 2491,1230.0547%
1989*** 2651,0090.0507%
1988*** 2391,1000.0573%
1987*** 2361,1230.0600%
1986*** 2221,1940.0648%
1985*** 2141,2010.0651%
1984*** 2011,3260.0737%
1983*** 1871,4550.0814%
1982*** 1621,7690.0977%
1981*** 1981,3560.0759%
1980*** 1871,4320.0805%
1979*** 1771,5470.0899%
1978*** 1611,7040.1038%
1977*** 1392,0780.1265%
1976*** 1681,5080.0960%
1975*** 1611,6890.1083%
1974*** 1621,6620.1062%
1973*** 1881,4020.0903%
1972*** 1741,6650.1033%
1971*** 2141,4200.0811%
1970*** 2101,5000.0819%
1969*** 2491,1890.0675%
1968*** 3207390.0432%
1967*** 3526430.0375%
1966*** 3686090.0347%
1965*** 3975490.0301%
1964*** 4005890.0301%
1963*** 4544580.0230%
1962*** 5732950.0146%
1961*** 6022800.0135%
1960*** 7042100.0101%
1959*** 7441870.0090%
1958*** 8181520.0074%
1957*** 7741680.0080%
1956*** 8751310.0064%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.