Baby Name Rankings of Shauna

Shauna: Statistics About The Baby Name Shauna

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1999*** 9012350.0121%
1998*** 8702430.0126%
1997*** 7402890.0152%
1996*** 6373510.0183%
1995*** 6653210.0167%
1994*** 6513310.0170%
1993*** 5514310.0219%
1992*** 4605350.0267%
1991*** 4535570.0274%
1990*** 3647310.0356%
1989*** 4345680.0285%
1988*** 3586860.0358%
1987*** 3127750.0414%
1986*** 3227460.0405%
1985*** 2948380.0455%
1984*** 2579530.0529%
1983*** 2718650.0484%
1982*** 2569700.0536%
1981*** 2679370.0525%
1980*** 2241,1400.0641%
1979*** 1891,3990.0813%
1978*** 2021,2670.0772%
1977*** 2539830.0598%
1976*** 3825390.0343%
1975*** 3476250.0401%
1974*** 3236880.0440%
1973*** 3945150.0332%
1972*** 3655990.0372%
1971*** 3706400.0366%
1970*** 3377770.0424%
1969*** 3895850.0332%
1968*** 4534500.0263%
1967*** 4664130.0241%
1966*** 4324730.0270%
1965*** 5363160.0173%
1964*** 5383360.0172%
1963*** 5443170.0160%
1962*** 6792300.0114%
1961*** 6782340.0113%
1960*** 7162030.0098%
1959*** 6662260.0109%
1958*** 8011580.0077%
1957*** 7141950.0093%
1956*** 6652090.0102%
1955*** 5422890.0144%
1954*** 5262840.0143%
1953*** 6641830.0095%
1952*** 8541170.0062%
1951*** 994890.0048%
1950*** 7761250.0071%
1949*** 6891490.0085%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.