Baby Name Rankings of Shanon

Shanon: Statistics About The Baby Name Shanon

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1984*** 9721490.0083%
1981*** 9211630.0091%
1980*** 8651780.0100%
1979*** 8561820.0106%
1978*** 7861940.0118%
1977917860.0050% 6752320.0141%
1976849970.0060% 6552360.0150%
1975837990.0061% 7801810.0116%
1974855880.0054% 7211990.0127%
1973957710.0044% 7941660.0107%
1972864870.0052% 7571850.0115%
1971870880.0049% 7202110.0121%
1970857890.0047% 6102850.0156%
1969821890.0049% 7112000.0114%
1968*** 8181540.0090%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.