Baby Name Rankings of Selena

Selena: Statistics About The Baby Name Selena

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2291,3040.0745%
2022*** 2391,2700.0712%
2021*** 2031,4430.0811%
2020*** 2421,2380.0702%
2019*** 2331,3250.0727%
2018*** 2491,3060.0707%
2017*** 2431,2960.0691%
2016*** 2861,1220.0582%
2015*** 3211,0080.0521%
2014*** 3469470.0489%
2013*** 3459310.0488%
2012*** 3041,0430.0543%
2011*** 3219740.0507%
2010*** 3309700.0500%
2009*** 3231,0050.0502%
2008*** 3529380.0456%
2007*** 3201,0300.0494%
2006*** 2851,1370.0553%
2005*** 2421,3500.0678%
2004*** 2571,2240.0616%
2003*** 2701,1610.0582%
2002*** 2471,2770.0650%
2001*** 2151,4690.0744%
2000*** 1951,6320.0820%
1999*** 1532,1110.1087%
1998*** 1392,2720.1174%
1997*** 1571,9940.1046%
1996*** 1432,2820.1192%
1995*** 913,8230.1992%
1994*** 3009160.0471%
1993*** 3846630.0337%
1992*** 6093740.0187%
1991*** 6863130.0154%
1990*** 7802620.0128%
1989*** 7072810.0141%
1988*** 8532100.0109%
1987*** 7352460.0131%
1986*** 6562820.0153%
1985*** 6093110.0169%
1984*** 5273650.0203%
1983*** 5183680.0206%
1982*** 5153890.0215%
1981*** 4694530.0254%
1980*** 4714510.0254%
1979*** 4125230.0304%
1978*** 3565970.0364%
1977*** 3017900.0481%
1976*** 4324640.0295%
1975*** 5153460.0222%
1974*** 4364460.0285%
1973*** 3635880.0379%
1972*** 4973560.0221%
1971*** 4654350.0248%
1970*** 5932960.0162%
1969*** 6042730.0155%
1968*** 5822710.0159%
1967*** 5502930.0171%
1966*** 5482980.0170%
1965*** 5782730.0149%
1964*** 6812260.0116%
1963*** 7092070.0104%
1962*** 6552400.0118%
1961*** 6342570.0124%
1960*** 7221970.0095%
1959*** 6852150.0103%
1958*** 6822110.0102%
1952*** 992910.0048%
1944*** 988630.0046%
1914*** 983370.0047%
1912*** 974280.0048%
1911*** 953220.0050%
1910*** 936220.0053%
1909*** 904210.0057%
1908*** 935190.0054%
1906*** 957160.0051%
1904*** 903170.0058%
1903*** 711230.0083%
1902*** 868170.0061%
1901*** 822170.0067%
1900*** 857200.0063%
1898*** 744210.0077%
1897*** 818160.0064%
1896*** 942130.0052%
1894*** 898130.0055%
1893*** 764160.0071%
1892*** 950110.0049%
1891*** 662170.0086%
1890*** 754140.0069%
1889*** 834110.0058%
1888*** 609180.0095%
1887*** 629140.0090%
1886*** 770100.0065%
1885*** 572150.0106%
1884*** 675110.0080%
1883*** 91260.0050%
1881*** 73470.0071%
1880*** 92850.0051%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.