Baby Name Rankings of Sariah

Sariah: Statistics About The Baby Name Sariah

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 9962550.0146%
2022*** 9023060.0171%
2021*** 9702660.0149%
2020*** 8443220.0183%
2019*** 9852610.0143%
2018*** 8433200.0173%
2017*** 7513700.0197%
2016*** 8673230.0167%
2015*** 8833100.0160%
2014*** 7693620.0187%
2013*** 6694220.0221%
2012*** 6494340.0226%
2011*** 5854900.0255%
2010*** 6584430.0228%
2009*** 6424570.0228%
2008*** 6594600.0224%
2007*** 7403880.0186%
2006*** 8133310.0161%
2005*** 8792840.0143%
2003*** 9662410.0121%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.