Baby Name Rankings of Sarahi

Sarahi: Statistics About The Baby Name Sarahi

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 9452770.0158%
2022*** 9632750.0154%
2015*** 9093010.0156%
2013*** 9742550.0134%
2012*** 9712610.0136%
2011*** 9572660.0139%
2010*** 8902950.0152%
2009*** 9112950.0147%
2008*** 8813120.0152%
2007*** 8943040.0146%
2006*** 8423150.0153%
2005*** 7973200.0161%
2004*** 8862720.0137%
2003*** 9122600.0130%
2002*** 8762600.0132%
2001*** 9792200.0111%
1996*** 9302100.0110%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.