Baby Name Rankings of Santo

Santo: Statistics About The Baby Name Santo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1948998500.0028% ---
1941940470.0038% ---
1939844530.0047% ---
1938805600.0053% ---
1937980420.0038% ---
1936782620.0058% ---
1935722720.0067% ---
1934834570.0054% ---
1933780620.0061% ---
1932672830.0077% ---
1931797620.0058% ---
1930672870.0077% ---
19296031010.0091% ---
1928660910.0080% ---
1927692880.0076% ---
1926649950.0083% ---
19255781170.0102% ---
1924690900.0077% ---
1923668920.0081% ---
1922715850.0076% ---
19216301030.0091% ---
1920680890.0081% ---
1919765720.0071% ---
1918722790.0075% ---
1917607970.0101% ---
1916629870.0094% ---
1915573990.0112% ---
1914621670.0098% ---
1913773380.0071% ---
1912604460.0102% ---
1911754190.0079% ---
1909946110.0062% ---