Baby Name Rankings of Santino

Santino: Statistics About The Baby Name Santino

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234207520.0411% ***
20224536770.0363% ***
20214177350.0395% ***
20204426710.0364% ***
20194885880.0308% ***
20185245370.0278% ***
20176004440.0226% ***
20166134370.0217% ***
20156084440.0219% ***
20146324140.0204% ***
20136373820.0191% ***
20126114000.0199% ***
20116733480.0173% ***
20106523660.0180% ***
20096873500.0167% ***
20086523670.0171% ***
20077063250.0149% ***
20066883220.0149% ***
20058062320.0111% ***
20047602380.0114% ***
20038671980.0095% ***
20029041780.0087% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.