Baby Name Rankings of Santa

Santa: Statistics About The Baby Name Santa

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1931--- 952540.0049%
1930--- 878680.0058%
1929--- 991540.0047%
1928--- 916660.0055%
1927--- 897700.0057%
1926--- 885710.0058%
1925--- 823820.0065%
1924--- 796880.0068%
1923--- 776890.0071%
1922--- 879700.0056%
1921--- 865730.0057%
1920--- 850730.0059%
1919--- 821740.0063%
1918--- 885660.0055%
1917--- 811730.0065%
1916--- 726880.0081%
1915--- 723850.0083%
1914--- 756590.0074%
1913--- 837400.0061%
1911--- 849260.0059%
1908--- 909200.0056%
1904--- 931160.0055%