Baby Name Rankings of Samson

Samson: Statistics About The Baby Name Samson

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20235695120.0280% ***
20225854850.0260% ***
20215904680.0252% ***
20205674930.0267% ***
20195744820.0253% ***
20185475050.0262% ***
20176084300.0219% ***
20165784770.0236% ***
20156224280.0211% ***
20146284160.0205% ***
20136713560.0178% ***
20128032770.0138% ***
20118752370.0118% ***
20108682390.0118% ***
20098822360.0113% ***
20089482100.0098% ***
20078972200.0101% ***
20068872170.0101% ***
20049681710.0082% ***
20039961580.0076% ***
20028891820.0088% ***
20019111710.0083% ***
20008991730.0083% ***
19999421550.0076% ***
19979721350.0068% ***
19949641310.0064% ***
19939721230.0060% ***
19909201260.0059% ***
19888301300.0065% ***
19858741080.0056% ***
1984903950.0051% ***
1983962850.0046% ***
1982990830.0044% ***
1981980850.0046% ***
1980964870.0047% ***
1979992800.0045% ***
1977986760.0045% ***
189285280.0061% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.