Baby Name Rankings of Samara

Samara: Statistics About The Baby Name Samara

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2591,1900.0680%
2022*** 2991,0620.0595%
2021*** 3738290.0466%
2020*** 3508820.0500%
2019*** 3269780.0537%
2018*** 2561,2610.0683%
2017*** 3241,0020.0534%
2016*** 4746670.0346%
2015*** 6344460.0230%
2014*** 6314500.0232%
2013*** 5834870.0255%
2012*** 5705100.0265%
2011*** 5595180.0270%
2010*** 6064810.0248%
2009*** 5105880.0294%
2008*** 5006180.0301%
2007*** 4566970.0334%
2006*** 3519300.0452%
2005*** 3818060.0405%
2004*** 3658450.0425%
2003*** 4566530.0327%
2002*** 9202420.0123%
2001*** 8792610.0132%
2000*** 8872480.0125%
1999*** 9402230.0115%
1998*** 9892040.0105%
1997*** 9911970.0103%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.