Baby Name Rankings of Salina

Salina: Statistics About The Baby Name Salina

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1995*** 8392330.0121%
1994*** 7882600.0134%
1993*** 7982530.0129%
1992*** 9442060.0103%
1991*** 9482000.0098%
1989*** 9401900.0095%
1988*** 9331800.0094%
1986*** 9891590.0086%
1985*** 9831560.0085%
1984*** 9181620.0090%
1983*** 9151640.0092%
1982*** 8181930.0107%
1981*** 8411860.0104%
1980*** 8391860.0105%
1979*** 8901690.0098%
1978*** 7642020.0123%
1977*** 4943850.0234%
1976*** 8521610.0103%
1882*** 88760.0052%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.