Baby Name Rankings of Sal

Sal: Statistics About The Baby Name Sal

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1967948580.0033% ***
1966931620.0034% ***
1965937620.0033% ***
1964934670.0033% ***
1963769990.0048% ***
19627601020.0049% ***
1961780970.0045% ***
19607551050.0049% ***
19597351090.0050% ***
19587031130.0053% ***
1957794900.0041% ***
1947850670.0036% ***
1946903540.0033% ***
1945826580.0042% ***
1943821650.0045% ***
1942866580.0041% ***
1941893510.0041% ***
1940888510.0043% ***
1939995420.0037% ***
1937856520.0048% ***
1936869500.0047% ***
1935922480.0045% ***
1932988450.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.