Baby Name Rankings of Rupert

Rupert: Statistics About The Baby Name Rupert

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1952910610.0031% ***
1951904610.0032% ***
1950937550.0030% ***
1949954530.0030% ***
1948830680.0038% ***
1945789620.0045% ***
1944919490.0035% ***
1943820650.0045% ***
1942832620.0044% ***
1941838580.0046% ***
1940850560.0047% ***
1939843530.0047% ***
1938804600.0053% ***
1937855520.0048% ***
1936603930.0087% ***
1935691770.0072% ***
1934739690.0065% ***
1933715720.0071% ***
1932678820.0076% ***
1931620930.0087% ***
1930717770.0068% ***
1929668840.0076% ***
1928620990.0087% ***
19276171030.0089% ***
19266291000.0087% ***
19255631210.0105% ***
19246161080.0092% ***
19235111420.0125% ***
19225481330.0118% ***
19215341370.0120% ***
19204861570.0143% ***
19195621140.0112% ***
19185121380.0131% ***
19175431160.0121% ***
19165541070.0116% ***
19155141180.0134% ***
1914514910.0133% ***
1913535660.0123% ***
1912473690.0153% ***
1911560300.0125% ***
1910489330.0159% ***
1909588210.0119% ***
1908653170.0102% ***
1907552200.0126% ***
1906502210.0146% ***
1905521200.0140% ***
1904489200.0144% ***
1903689120.0093% ***
190285190.0068% ***
1901587130.0112% ***
1900441270.0166% ***
1899413210.0182% ***
1898432220.0166% ***
1897492170.0139% ***
1896457200.0155% ***
1895552150.0118% ***
1894460190.0152% ***
1893501150.0124% ***
1892518160.0122% ***
189194360.0055% ***
1890482160.0134% ***
1889621110.0092% ***
1888641110.0085% ***
1887538120.0110% ***
1886596110.0092% ***
1885601110.0095% ***
1884500150.0122% ***
188367290.0080% ***
1882604110.0090% ***
1881584100.0092% ***
188089160.0051% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.