Baby Name Rankings of Rueben

Rueben: Statistics About The Baby Name Rueben

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1930987480.0043% ***
1928973500.0044% ***
1927972520.0045% ***
1926868600.0052% ***
1925933530.0046% ***
1924872630.0054% ***
1923836670.0059% ***
1922830680.0060% ***
1921782740.0065% ***
1920982500.0045% ***
1919848610.0060% ***
1918869590.0056% ***
1917855570.0059% ***
1916995420.0045% ***
1915878500.0057% ***
1914852410.0060% ***
1911817170.0071% ***
1907922100.0063% ***
190285090.0068% ***
189493870.0056% ***
189086970.0058% ***
188683470.0059% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.