Baby Name Rankings of Romona

Romona: Statistics About The Baby Name Romona

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1968*** 9771140.0067%
1967*** 8721370.0080%
1966*** 9791100.0063%
1965*** 9821120.0061%
1963*** 9761190.0060%
1962*** 8821430.0071%
1961*** 9291340.0065%
1960*** 9071360.0065%
1959*** 9451230.0059%
1958*** 9251250.0061%
1957*** 9111260.0060%
1956*** 8961250.0061%
1955*** 7911480.0074%
1954*** 9211100.0055%
1953*** 8141290.0067%
1952*** 954970.0051%
1951*** 9181000.0054%
1949*** 955880.0050%
1940*** 967550.0047%
1939*** 808730.0064%
1938*** 870660.0058%
1937*** 788760.0069%
1936*** 861630.0058%
1934*** 945540.0050%
1933*** 733810.0077%
1932*** 753810.0073%
1931*** 819700.0063%
1930*** 765850.0073%
1929*** 5961320.0114%
1928*** 5991380.0116%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.