Baby Name Rankings of Rollin

Rollin: Statistics About The Baby Name Rollin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1957976610.0028% ***
1954904680.0033% ***
1953930600.0030% ***
1952894630.0032% ***
1951830720.0038% ***
1950790750.0041% ***
1949755830.0046% ***
1948749810.0046% ***
1947746850.0046% ***
1946756770.0047% ***
1945729710.0052% ***
1944773660.0048% ***
1943695850.0059% ***
1942645980.0070% ***
1941698780.0062% ***
1940640880.0074% ***
1939681770.0068% ***
1938633900.0079% ***
1937677780.0071% ***
1936643820.0077% ***
1935642850.0080% ***
1934605960.0091% ***
1933595960.0094% ***
1932664850.0079% ***
19315591110.0104% ***
19305541180.0105% ***
1929611990.0090% ***
1928618990.0087% ***
19276231020.0088% ***
19265741160.0101% ***
19255271360.0118% ***
19245721250.0107% ***
1923700860.0076% ***
1922719840.0075% ***
19216471000.0088% ***
19206201040.0094% ***
19195971030.0101% ***
19186051040.0099% ***
1917598990.0103% ***
1916596960.0104% ***
1915620870.0099% ***
1914654610.0089% ***
1913702430.0080% ***
1912679400.0089% ***
1910726180.0086% ***
1909944110.0062% ***
1908652170.0102% ***
1907855110.0069% ***
1906637150.0104% ***
1905829100.0070% ***
1904715120.0087% ***
1903428230.0178% ***
1902610140.0105% ***
1901631120.0104% ***
1900728130.0080% ***
1899606120.0104% ***
1898735100.0076% ***
1897717100.0082% ***
1896715110.0085% ***
189578890.0071% ***
1894716100.0080% ***
1893606120.0099% ***
189278590.0068% ***
1891586110.0101% ***
189097960.0050% ***
1889546130.0109% ***
188890170.0054% ***
1887577110.0101% ***
1886595110.0092% ***
1884445180.0147% ***
1883477150.0133% ***
188282070.0057% ***
1881454150.0138% ***
1880461160.0135% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.