Baby Name Rankings of Rollie

Rollie: Statistics About The Baby Name Rollie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1951991510.0027% ***
1947858660.0036% ***
1945981430.0031% ***
1944955460.0033% ***
1943998450.0031% ***
1942865580.0041% ***
1940881520.0044% ***
1939857520.0046% ***
1938893500.0044% ***
1937835540.0049% ***
1935826570.0053% ***
1934962440.0041% ***
1933859530.0052% ***
1932911510.0048% ***
1930928530.0047% ***
1929971490.0044% ***
1928913550.0048% ***
1926991490.0043% ***
1925941520.0045% ***
1923867620.0055% ***
1920957530.0048% ***
1919858600.0059% ***
1918936510.0049% ***
1917778660.0069% ***
1916872530.0057% ***
1915914470.0053% ***
1914775470.0069% ***
1913870320.0060% ***
1911914140.0058% ***
1910749170.0082% ***
1909648180.0102% ***
1908817120.0072% ***
1907660160.0101% ***
1906843100.0069% ***
1905587170.0119% ***
1903500190.0147% ***
1902730110.0083% ***
190184480.0069% ***
1900676150.0092% ***
1899434190.0165% ***
1898402250.0189% ***
1897641120.0098% ***
1896585140.0108% ***
1895434210.0166% ***
1894516160.0128% ***
1893390220.0182% ***
1892476180.0137% ***
1891557120.0110% ***
1890481160.0134% ***
1889442180.0151% ***
1888499160.0123% ***
1887435160.0146% ***
1886428180.0151% ***
1885396210.0181% ***
1884394210.0171% ***
1883516130.0116% ***
1882512140.0115% ***
1881482140.0129% ***
1880460160.0135% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.