Baby Name Rankings of Rolf

Rolf: Statistics About The Baby Name Rolf

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1966920630.0035% ***
1965923650.0034% ***
1964943660.0033% ***
1963832830.0040% ***
1962919690.0033% ***
1961855800.0037% ***
1960770980.0045% ***
1959822870.0040% ***
1958929670.0031% ***
1956887710.0033% ***
1955893690.0033% ***
1954839750.0036% ***
1953945580.0029% ***
1952893630.0032% ***
1951847680.0036% ***
1949940550.0031% ***
1948969520.0029% ***
1945825580.0042% ***
1938926470.0041% ***
1936880490.0046% ***
19351000410.0038% ***
1934875520.0049% ***
1933974430.0042% ***
1929993470.0043% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.