Baby Name Rankings of Rogelio

Rogelio: Statistics About The Baby Name Rogelio

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20209982120.0115% ***
20189022390.0124% ***
20178832430.0124% ***
20168602610.0129% ***
20158332680.0132% ***
20147802950.0145% ***
20137373150.0157% ***
20127203230.0161% ***
20117732880.0143% ***
20107183180.0156% ***
20096903490.0167% ***
20085754420.0206% ***
20075165010.0230% ***
20065174920.0228% ***
20054655370.0257% ***
20044745260.0253% ***
20034875040.0241% ***
20024794870.0237% ***
20014914660.0226% ***
20004804890.0235% ***
19994944440.0218% ***
19984844510.0223% ***
19974644710.0236% ***
19964704650.0232% ***
19954684730.0235% ***
19944574790.0235% ***
19934394990.0242% ***
19924355100.0243% ***
19914544730.0223% ***
19904395040.0235% ***
19894344730.0226% ***
19884663830.0192% ***
19874364090.0210% ***
19864473770.0197% ***
19854333870.0201% ***
19844443600.0192% ***
19834533330.0179% ***
19824223940.0209% ***
19814034100.0221% ***
19804064030.0218% ***
19794083760.0210% ***
19784403270.0192% ***
19774233480.0204% ***
19764223370.0207% ***
19754493140.0194% ***
19744323310.0203% ***
19734762720.0169% ***
19724712790.0167% ***
19715102550.0141% ***
19704992620.0138% ***
19694772560.0140% ***
19685032250.0127% ***
19675631770.0100% ***
19665431990.0110% ***
19655991620.0086% ***
19645941780.0088% ***
19636141610.0078% ***
19625801810.0086% ***
19616421500.0070% ***
19605941740.0080% ***
19595571930.0089% ***
19586421430.0067% ***
19576001630.0075% ***
19566071550.0072% ***
19556201440.0069% ***
19546081470.0071% ***
19535471680.0084% ***
19525191810.0092% ***
19516181300.0068% ***
19505381610.0089% ***
19495981300.0072% ***
19485961270.0071% ***
19476211200.0065% ***
1946647990.0060% ***
1945622960.0070% ***
1944618990.0072% ***
1943772720.0050% ***
1942783680.0048% ***
1941757680.0054% ***
1940795620.0052% ***
1939770630.0056% ***
1938974430.0038% ***
1937929460.0042% ***
1936825550.0052% ***
1935981430.0040% ***
1934843560.0053% ***
1933919470.0046% ***
1931968470.0044% ***
1929992470.0043% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.