Baby Name Rankings of Rodrigo

Rodrigo: Statistics About The Baby Name Rodrigo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234966060.0331% ***
20225295590.0300% ***
20215704920.0264% ***
20205774810.0261% ***
20195205460.0286% ***
20185005710.0296% ***
20175135640.0287% ***
20165065920.0293% ***
20154606550.0323% ***
20144885710.0281% ***
20134137080.0354% ***
20124316360.0316% ***
20114226470.0321% ***
20104156690.0329% ***
20093738080.0386% ***
20083271,0060.0468% ***
20072911,1630.0533% ***
20063638110.0376% ***
20053917240.0347% ***
20043896910.0332% ***
20033637360.0352% ***
20023936600.0321% ***
20013786920.0336% ***
20003846780.0326% ***
19993627200.0354% ***
19984455100.0252% ***
19974365140.0258% ***
19963786160.0308% ***
19953856040.0301% ***
19944914200.0206% ***
19934904280.0208% ***
19924684610.0220% ***
19915143740.0177% ***
19905123740.0174% ***
19896292510.0120% ***
19886302260.0113% ***
19876581920.0099% ***
19865862300.0120% ***
19856491820.0095% ***
19846321840.0098% ***
19835952060.0111% ***
19825842170.0115% ***
19816081970.0106% ***
19806491790.0097% ***
19796641650.0092% ***
19786121860.0109% ***
19776641610.0094% ***
19766261730.0106% ***
19756681520.0094% ***
19746841430.0088% ***
19736331570.0097% ***
19727471130.0068% ***
1971845930.0051% ***
19707871090.0057% ***
1969904720.0039% ***
1968969580.0033% ***
1967935600.0034% ***
1966989550.0030% ***
1965986570.0030% ***
1964920690.0034% ***
1963934650.0031% ***
1962982610.0029% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.