Baby Name Rankings of Rodrick

Rodrick: Statistics About The Baby Name Rodrick

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19969951260.0063% ***
19949351390.0068% ***
19939311340.0065% ***
19928811440.0069% ***
19918061640.0077% ***
19908271530.0071% ***
19897391800.0086% ***
19887361650.0083% ***
19877981350.0069% ***
19867531450.0076% ***
19857071560.0081% ***
19846261850.0099% ***
19836641650.0089% ***
19826121980.0105% ***
19816521720.0093% ***
19805872150.0116% ***
19795852150.0120% ***
19785322410.0141% ***
19774952710.0159% ***
19765402210.0136% ***
19755142420.0149% ***
19745212310.0142% ***
19735622000.0124% ***
19725801880.0112% ***
19715941940.0107% ***
19705612100.0110% ***
19696151610.0088% ***
19686191500.0085% ***
19676611280.0072% ***
19666791210.0067% ***
19656121570.0083% ***
19646801290.0064% ***
19637171200.0058% ***
19627131160.0055% ***
1961854800.0037% ***
1960829840.0039% ***
1959891740.0034% ***
1958953640.0030% ***
1957903710.0032% ***
1956905680.0032% ***
1955856740.0035% ***
1953973550.0028% ***
1952931590.0030% ***
1951944550.0029% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.