Baby Name Rankings of Robbin

Robbin: Statistics About The Baby Name Robbin

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1973*** 9511270.0082%
1972*** 9101370.0085%
1971*** 7611920.0110%
1970*** 6662390.0131%
1969*** 6502360.0134%
1968*** 6022560.0150%
1967*** 6182360.0138%
1966*** 6002480.0141%
1965*** 5143440.0188%
1964*** 4844030.0206%
1963990590.0029% 4844010.0202%
1962858780.0037% 4295160.0255%
1961914700.0033% 4484740.0229%
1960840810.0037% 4644440.0214%
1959970630.0029% 3776470.0311%
1958856780.0036% 4125090.0247%
1957831830.0038% 4903780.0180%
1956827820.0038% 4604040.0196%
1955953620.0030% 5283020.0151%
1954794830.0040% 5292810.0141%
1953847720.0036% 6421950.0101%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.