Baby Name Rankings of River

River: Statistics About The Baby Name River

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20231163,0840.1684% 1931,5770.0902%
20221053,4670.1860% 1501,9120.1071%
20211103,4550.1857% 1511,8620.1046%
20201292,8030.1520% 1861,5540.0882%
20191682,3490.1231% 2141,4190.0778%
20181972,0510.1063% 2441,3210.0716%
20172011,9480.0992% 2741,1660.0622%
20162121,8410.0912% 2851,1240.0583%
20152441,4990.0740% 3509410.0486%
20142871,2230.0603% 4537030.0363%
20133728150.0407% 5884800.0251%
20124077090.0353% 6864070.0212%
20114246350.0316% 9132830.0147%
20104366220.0306% 9722610.0134%
20094486130.0292% 9602760.0138%
20084615940.0276% ***
20075614530.0208% ***
20065114990.0231% ***
20055164670.0224% ***
20045504130.0199% ***
20035733830.0183% ***
20026133250.0158% ***
20016073220.0156% ***
20006113140.0151% ***
19995603580.0176% ***
19984994320.0213% ***
19975183890.0195% ***
19966322690.0134% ***
19956172780.0138% ***
19949271410.0069% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.