Baby Name Rankings of Rico

Rico: Statistics About The Baby Name Rico

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19989551460.0072% ***
19979421430.0072% ***
19969451370.0068% ***
19958621580.0079% ***
19948011760.0086% ***
19936722330.0113% ***
19926752350.0112% ***
19915663190.0151% ***
19905842940.0137% ***
19895842790.0133% ***
19886492130.0107% ***
19876861750.0090% ***
19866601840.0096% ***
19857301460.0076% ***
19847241440.0077% ***
19836841570.0084% ***
19826571750.0093% ***
19817071500.0081% ***
19805852160.0117% ***
19796062010.0112% ***
19785592230.0131% ***
19775512310.0135% ***
19764323200.0196% ***
19755392210.0136% ***
19745801920.0118% ***
19736001720.0107% ***
19726421530.0092% ***
19716081880.0104% ***
19706971420.0075% ***
1969910710.0039% ***
1968914630.0036% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.