Baby Name Rankings of Rickie

Rickie: Statistics About The Baby Name Rickie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19889461040.0052% ***
19879001090.0056% ***
19869091020.0053% ***
19858101200.0062% ***
19848601050.0056% ***
19837761260.0068% ***
19827361410.0075% ***
19817261420.0076% ***
19807341440.0078% ***
19796931520.0085% ***
19787311330.0078% ***
19777131420.0083% ***
19767321310.0080% ***
19756411610.0099% ***
19747051360.0084% ***
19735891820.0113% ***
19726591490.0089% ***
19716361670.0092% ***
19706751480.0078% ***
19695601950.0107% ***
19685072220.0125% ***
19675192080.0117% ***
19664902390.0132% ***
19654662800.0148% ***
19644383340.0165% ***
19633924140.0201% ***
19623984170.0199% ***
19613714590.0213% ***
19603415220.0241% ***
19592897400.0342% ***
19582727840.0365% ***
19572608390.0384% ***
19562468650.0404% ***
19552398710.0418% ***
19542181,0030.0485% ***
19532229010.0451% ***
19522547270.0368% ***
19513025310.0279% ***
19503503710.0204% ***
19493783160.0176% ***
19483942940.0165% ***
19474242580.0139% ***
19465021660.0101% ***
1945736700.0051% ***
1944808610.0044% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.