Baby Name Rankings of Rick

Rick: Statistics About The Baby Name Rick

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20009291640.0079% ***
19999111640.0081% ***
19988761660.0082% ***
19977801900.0095% ***
19967232150.0107% ***
19957352140.0107% ***
19946372670.0131% ***
19935793150.0153% ***
19925753120.0149% ***
19915443470.0164% ***
19905103760.0175% ***
19895003660.0175% ***
19884653850.0193% ***
19874204360.0224% ***
19864204180.0218% ***
19854084420.0230% ***
19844193860.0206% ***
19833834360.0234% ***
19823644890.0260% ***
19813814490.0242% ***
19803914400.0238% ***
19793554960.0277% ***
19783884000.0235% ***
19773734370.0256% ***
19763564590.0282% ***
19753444960.0306% ***
19743355160.0317% ***
19732926230.0387% ***
19722806830.0408% ***
19712598590.0473% ***
19702121,1770.0619% ***
19692001,2710.0695% ***
19681821,4320.0807% ***
19671691,5860.0892% ***
19661621,7450.0961% ***
19651372,2530.1189% ***
19641212,8520.1408% ***
19631113,2200.1560% ***
19621103,4100.1624% ***
19611083,7270.1732% ***
19601004,2200.1949% ***
1959894,9280.2276% ***
1958765,4570.2538% ***
1957874,6540.2130% ***
19561003,6500.1704% ***
19551083,1600.1515% ***
19541023,3650.1629% ***
19531003,1710.1588% ***
19521192,5830.1309% ***
19511431,8880.0992% ***
19501681,4900.0819% ***
19491711,3550.0754% ***
19481731,2780.0719% ***
19471821,1250.0608% ***
19462078260.0502% ***
19452595040.0368% ***
19442864300.0311% ***
19434002370.0164% ***
1942641990.0070% ***
1941813610.0049% ***
1940856550.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.