Baby Name Rankings of Richmond

Richmond: Statistics About The Baby Name Richmond

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1951974520.0027% ***
1946994470.0029% ***
1939952440.0039% ***
1938991420.0037% ***
1930938520.0046% ***
1929982480.0043% ***
1928972500.0044% ***
1926826650.0057% ***
1925982490.0043% ***
1924943560.0048% ***
1923891590.0052% ***
1922988520.0046% ***
1921796730.0064% ***
1919935520.0051% ***
1918986470.0045% ***
1917980450.0047% ***
1916799600.0065% ***
1915845540.0061% ***
1914981330.0048% ***
1913757390.0073% ***
1912851280.0062% ***
1911726200.0083% ***
1910777160.0077% ***
1908651170.0102% ***
1907659160.0101% ***
1906559180.0125% ***
190590490.0063% ***
1904802100.0072% ***
1903571160.0124% ***
1902783100.0075% ***
1900675150.0092% ***
1899433190.0165% ***
1898501180.0136% ***
1897671110.0090% ***
1896767100.0077% ***
1895734100.0079% ***
189477990.0072% ***
1893476160.0132% ***
189278490.0068% ***
189169190.0082% ***
188971390.0076% ***
1888689100.0077% ***
1887509130.0119% ***
188674680.0067% ***
188568690.0078% ***
1884600110.0090% ***
1883515130.0116% ***
1882603110.0090% ***
188184860.0055% ***
188073380.0068% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.