Baby Name Rankings of Richie

Richie: Statistics About The Baby Name Richie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
19787961140.0067% ***
1977896900.0053% ***
1976851960.0059% ***
19757761140.0070% ***
19747681100.0068% ***
1973852870.0054% ***
19726761410.0084% ***
19716951430.0079% ***
19706241690.0089% ***
19696121630.0089% ***
19685741740.0098% ***
19675531820.0102% ***
19665651820.0100% ***
19655541920.0101% ***
19645272200.0109% ***
19635751890.0092% ***
19626081620.0077% ***
19616871250.0058% ***
19607391100.0051% ***
19597251110.0051% ***
1958811860.0040% ***
1957886740.0034% ***
1956962610.0028% ***
1954851740.0036% ***
1953972550.0028% ***
1946974480.0029% ***
1945989420.0031% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.