Baby Name Rankings of Rhys

Rhys: Statistics About The Baby Name Rhys

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20233539240.0505% ***
20224267250.0389% ***
20214137480.0402% ***
20204217080.0384% ***
20194426860.0359% ***
20184646210.0322% ***
20174776140.0313% ***
20164946100.0302% ***
20155135580.0275% ***
20144835780.0285% ***
20134895550.0277% ***
20124765690.0283% ***
20114865380.0267% ***
20104715440.0267% ***
20095774520.0216% ***
20086793500.0163% ***
20078092600.0119% ***
20069152030.0094% ***
20059811730.0083% ***
20049341770.0085% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.