Baby Name Rankings of Rhonda

Rhonda: Statistics About The Baby Name Rhonda

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1994*** 9491960.0101%
1993*** 8142460.0125%
1992*** 7702690.0134%
1991*** 6833140.0155%
1990*** 6043740.0182%
1989*** 5564040.0203%
1988*** 4904620.0241%
1987*** 3856080.0325%
1986*** 3676390.0347%
1985*** 3526690.0363%
1984*** 2878350.0464%
1983*** 2529400.0526%
1982*** 2271,1330.0626%
1981*** 1991,3540.0758%
1980*** 1791,5310.0861%
1979*** 1621,7180.0998%
1978*** 1601,7280.1053%
1977*** 1312,1630.1316%
1976*** 1062,4640.1569%
1975*** 933,1640.2029%
1974*** 853,5250.2252%
1973*** 704,1650.2682%
1972*** 605,0050.3105%
1971*** 466,6410.3793%
1970*** 467,3760.4029%
1969*** 447,9170.4494%
1968*** 428,2680.4838%
1967*** 419,0680.5284%
1966*** 399,8010.5585%
1965*** 3710,9440.5991%
1964*** 439,7130.4965%
1963*** 459,3540.4707%
1962*** 459,8010.4837%
1961*** 469,4650.4563%
1960*** 449,2480.4447%
1959*** 458,8560.4262%
1958*** 488,3430.4042%
1957*** 528,0330.3831%
1956*** 627,5250.3655%
1955*** 716,1630.3076%
1954*** 716,0960.3063%
1953*** 855,0240.2606%
1952*** 953,9720.2088%
1951*** 1113,1970.1734%
1950*** 1252,5730.1463%
1949*** 1571,8600.1060%
1948*** 2489090.0522%
1947*** 3166040.0333%
1946*** 3065760.0358%
1945*** 4103040.0226%
1944*** 5671660.0122%
1943*** 7311120.0078%
1942*** 7141090.0078%
1941*** 7011010.0081%
1940*** 835740.0063%
1939*** 936570.0050%
1938*** 850700.0061%
1937*** 1000500.0045%
1935*** 991490.0045%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.