Baby Name Rankings of Reynold

Reynold: Statistics About The Baby Name Reynold

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1966968570.0031% ***
1959979620.0029% ***
1958995590.0027% ***
1955855740.0035% ***
1954826770.0037% ***
1953884660.0033% ***
1952883640.0032% ***
1950724900.0049% ***
1949809720.0040% ***
1948955530.0030% ***
1947904600.0032% ***
1946695880.0054% ***
1945775640.0047% ***
1944779650.0047% ***
1943819650.0045% ***
1942778690.0049% ***
1941812610.0049% ***
1940739690.0058% ***
1939719700.0062% ***
1938727710.0063% ***
1937662820.0075% ***
1936794600.0056% ***
1935846550.0051% ***
1934790620.0058% ***
1933666780.0077% ***
1932871540.0050% ***
1931754680.0064% ***
1930716770.0068% ***
1929867590.0053% ***
1928750740.0065% ***
1927957530.0046% ***
1926799680.0059% ***
1925750770.0067% ***
1924778750.0064% ***
1923674910.0080% ***
1922677920.0082% ***
1921721840.0074% ***
1920783730.0066% ***
1919796670.0066% ***
1918817650.0062% ***
1917736720.0075% ***
1916662800.0087% ***
1915663770.0087% ***
1914769480.0070% ***
1913625510.0095% ***
1912747340.0075% ***
1910813150.0072% ***
1909835130.0074% ***
1903592150.0116% ***
189596470.0055% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.